After the endlessly long desert section, I have made it through the first state and cross the border into Baja California Sur. I reach the town of Guerrero Negro, where I am invited to a hotel and enjoy the first shower after 400 kilometres of desert. The next morning the local running scene is waiting for me. The first runners drop off quickly, but 2 runners join me for a half marathon. The section of the route is mentally difficult, as the road leads 100 kilometres flat and dead straight through a desert devoid of vegetation. One day’s section before the Ignacio Oasis, a Canadian stops next to me in the morning and invites me to his bed & breakfast in Ignacio. The prospect of a bed in an oasis motivates me to walk the remaining 55 kilometres in one day.
The next morning I find it hard to tear myself away from this place and when I start running around half past ten it is already much hotter. Towards evening I pass a volcano on a hill in a spectacular landscape. Then it’s a long downhill into a narrow canyon and now the high humidity adds to the heat. The temperature rises to over 40 degrees and there is absolutely no wind and no shade. It gets brutal.
Finally I reach the coast on the Gulf of California. The town of Santa Rosalia has prepared something for me. Just before the town, a police patrol is waiting to escort me into town. The city government has organised a small reception and invites me to dinner and to the hotel.